Male Breast Cancer - How Common?

Breast cancer is generally believed to be a disease for women, thus, men tend to ignore its symptoms. This is mainly due to lack of public awareness on the disease. A diagnosis of breast cancer can be particularly difficult for men. The affected person may feel confused and isolated because breast cancer in men is a rare case. The information on the disease in men is the same as for women. The symptoms, diagnosis and treatment are all very similar to the disease in women

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Breast cancer is not common in males like their females counterpart. The disease in males accounts for only 1% of all breast cancer. About 450 men are believed to die of the disease yearly compared to about 40,000 in women. However, because it is far less common in men, its early signs are often ignored. The symptoms are erroneously attributed to infections or other causes which makes breast cancer in men to be often diagnosed at a later stage.

The biggest risk factor is increasing age. Most cases of the disease in men are reported to be common with people between 60 - 70 years of age although the condition can develop in men of any age.

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Another factor is Klinefelter's syndrome. This is a rare genetic condition where a man is born with an extra female chromosome. He is XXY instead of XY, making his risk the same as for the average woman. Such male has a risk factor of 20% higher than his other male counterparts with the XY chromosome.

Family history or recognized gene in the family makes up approximately 5% to 10% of all breast cancer in man. High estrogen levels and exposure to radiation repeatedly over a long period of time during young age can also lead to breast cancer in men.

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Like in women, cancer of the breast in male is caused by the uncontrolled growth of the cells of the breast tissue. The most common symptom in men is finding a firm, non-painful mass located just below the nipple. The cancer may cause skin changes in the area of the nipple. Bloody or opaque discharge from the nipple, swelling, skin dimpling or puckering, lumps under the arm, nipple retraction (the nipple turns inward) can also occur.

As male breast cancer is rare, men are often treated in large specialist centers where there is expertise in dealing with the disease.

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You don't have to go through all the pain of surgery, chemotherapy, Radiotherapy or any kind of radical treatment to get rid of cancer. You can cure cancer using alternative methods with ease. click here to Get rid of Cancer without Pain Guide Manual.

Colon Cancer and Colon Cancer Symptoms.

Cancer of the colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in America. There are certain signs and manifestations that most patients feel when they have advanced stage of cancer of the colon such as a substantial change in the bowel activity, regular constipation, flatulence, rectal bleeding, severe stomach pain and lethargy.

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Cancer of the colon is believed to be preventable, by specialists, if regular colon cleansing is performed. Development of cancer stimulating polyps is promoted by toxins that are present, and amass within the colon wall, according to experts.

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Body detox and colon cleansing can bring many health advantages. The main benefits are aiding you to shed weight, an increase in your body's energy and the purifying of your whole digestive system. Still, it also breaks up fecal waste accumulated in the colon, reduces bloating, lessens water retention as well as upholding the smooth functioning of your colon, and the rest of your body.

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If recognized quickly, colon cancer can be avoided even though it is one of the most familiar forms of cancer in the world. Nevertheless, it is normal for a colon cancer patient not to feel manifestations during the early phases. As soon as the fourth stage is attained the patient will feel severe pain and this is when most symptoms are noticed.

With an average diagnosed age of 64, about 90 percent of cancer of the colon examples are from individuals over 50. Scientific research prove that by age fifty or above, the ratio of individuals who get polyps in the colon is 1 in 4.

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Most scientific investigation indicates that an active way of life can decrease the risk of cancer of the colon to about 40 percent. The chance of diabetes and obesity are in addition reduced when reasonable exercise is carried out.

Cancer of the colon as well as many other forms of cancer and disease have been linked with smoking as a contributing factor. When you smoke, you can worsen the risk since the inhaled tobacco can transmit cancer-causing agents to the colon and can increase the size of the cancer polyp.

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Foodstuffs that are rich in cholesterol and fat are likely to raise the risk of colon cancer. The health hazard is reduced if foodstuffs like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts and legumes, which contain natural roughage are consumed.

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Truths About Skin Cancer .

The words that you have always dreaded hearing are coming out of your doctor's mouth. I'm sorry, you have skin cancer. The conversation can now go two ways. Your doctor may say, I'm glad you came in when you did. We caught it in time, this shouldn't be fatal. Or your doctor might say, I'm so sorry. There isn't much I can do. If only we had caught this sooner.

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There are several warning signs a person can watch for. It is crucial that you are aware of what is going on with your body.

While it may seem like a complex issue, there are only two categories of skin cancer; Melanoma and non-melanoma. This particular cancer is one of the most prevalent in the United States.

Melanoma is not as common as non-melanoma cancer, and that is a good thing. Melanoma cancer spreads very quickly through the body and is therefore very difficult to treat. Early diagnosis of melanoma is crucial if you are wanting to lead a normal, long life.

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Skin cancer is usually easier to spot than other cancers because it leaves marks on the skin. It is also one of the easiest cancers to ignore. It may dawn on you after several months that the spot on the side of your face still hasn't healed yet. This is a sure sign that a doctor should take a look at it.

Other times, you may notice a reddish lump that is shiny and smooth. On the other hand, it may be just the opposite, still red, but scaly and rough. If you do have an abnormal spot somewhere, don't have a panic attack. Not all skin changes mean that you have skin cancer. Just to be safe and for your own peace of mind, see a doctor and see what they think.

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Take heart! There are cures for both types of cancers, but you MUST see a doctor as soon as you suspect any problem. If you wish to avoid this problem altogether, limit your unprotected exposure to the sun. Make sure you wear adequate clothing and use sunscreen.

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The Dangers of Skin Cancer .

Regardless of what cancer you are talking about, they truth is they are all frightening. While there is no method of prevention that is surefire, there are behaviors and actions you can take to increase your likelihood of not getting cancer. While each cancer is its own entity and has different causes and symptoms associated with it, the fundamentals of each have some similarities. Therefore, there are some methods of prevention that are affective for cancer in general.

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For instance, having a healthy diet and exercising regularly are important for prevention no matter what cancer you are referring to. However, as far as skin cancer is concerned, doing as much as you can to protect your skin from getting over-exposed is far more critical.

Should Not Be Taken Lightly

Despite constantly hearing about how awful skin cancer is, many people out there still don't take it seriously enough to involve preventative measures to avoid it. The common feeling that many have is that it won't happen to them. As a result, many aren't aware of the signs and symptoms and don't realize they have cancer until its too late.

Because more types have been identified now more than ever, learning about the dangers of skin cancer has become even more critical. Of course, even more important is knowing all of the measures that can be taken to get protection from the sun and avoid getting skin cancer.

Different Types

Before learning more about prevention, you should probably take a step back and take the time to know more about the various kinds of skin cancer that can affect the human body. To put into perspective, there are approximately twenty different types out there. However, there are three that occur most often. One of the most dangerous types is melanoma, even though it only represents about 4% of all skin cancers.

You can detect melanoma fairly easily most of the time. One warning sign in particular is a spot that resembles a freckle, while being flat and brown with asymmetrical or irregular edges.

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As mentioned, this is a very important issue that you should not taken lightly. The best measure is always prevention, so learn and put into action all the ways that will help you avoid getting cancer to begin with. By visiting your doctor or even a dermatologist, you can learn more about it and all the things you can do in order to prevent it.

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Prostate Cancer Stages and How it Spreads .

Prostate cancer has been widely known to cause much damage and certain impacts in the health of an individual diagnosed with this type of cancer. Many treatments have been test discovered and tried to be effective on treating cancer. There also various studies concerning the association of prostate cancer towards a mass of specific complications. Along with these, they conducted several studies as to how develops and how it spreads and tends to bring about infectious cells within the body systems.

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Doctors and experts use the TNM system to distinguish the severity of the prostate cancer the same as to what they do to identify most cancer stages. The stages are identified by the use of the three different characteristics of growth and spread of the tumor.

The TNM system stands for tumor, nodes and metastasis.

• Tumor - refers to the size that is the main part.

• Nodes - refer to what extent prostate cancer have scattered to any lymph nodes or if it has cause any harmful effects

• Metastasis - refers to the distance that has reached by the spreading, for instance, to the liver or bones.

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Another way of categorizing the stages is thorough the Gleason system. Some of the times, these two systems are merged to refer to prostate.

In stage I, the cancer is only found in the prostate. In this stage, it is still microscopic and it still cannot be detected by a DRE (digital rectal exam) and cannot be seen in imaging the prostate as well.

In stage II, the tumor within the prostate has not yet extended but it has already grown.

In stage III, cancer has barely scattered outside the prostate. In this stage, it may involve tissues near the prostate such as seminal vesicles.

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In stage IV, is where metastasis occurs. That is, prostate cancer has already spread outside the prostate thereby affecting other tissues. In this stage, it now affects the bones, liver, lymph nodes or even the lungs.

It is important to accurately find and identify the stages. By knowing the cost it can help you determine exactly what optimal treatment and prognosis is most suitable. Due to these, extensive testing is worth going through to have a correct diagnosis about the prostate you belong.

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You don't have to go through all the pain of surgery,chemotherapy,Radiotherapy or any kind of radical treatment to get rid of cancer.You can cure cancer using alternative methods with ease. Click here to Grab a Copy of how to Cure Cancer with Ease.

Causes of Breast Cancer.

Research has proven that most of the factors that cause cancer are environmental or lifestyle-related, consequently, it can be concluded that cancer is a preventable disease. Knowing the causes of this deadly disease can help in preventing it rather than looking for cure. We are going to analyze some of the causes of cancer and possible ways of preventing them. Some factors can be controlled while little can be done about others.

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* Heavy consumption of alcohol can cause cancer. Avoiding too much of alcohol or even total abstinence can help a long way in preventing cancer. Women who consume one alcoholic beverage a day have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. By contrast, breast cancer risk is nearly doubled in women who have more than three drinks daily.

* Smoking is another cause of cancer even though survey shows that 20% of women with cancer have never smoked while 10% of men also never smoked. Smoking even limits the treatment option for cancer because some reconstructive surgery cannot be performed on female patients who smoke.

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* Lack of proper exercise can lead to cancer. Exercises are meant to keep the different parts of the body in good shape. Physical inactivity reduces the functioning of the body parts and this can lead to the emergence of cancer of that particular part of the body.

* Overweight is another factor that can cause cancer. Trying as much as possible to be on low fat diet is a major way of preventing cancer. Fatty foods should be avoided and calorie intake should be watched. Patients are increasingly advised to consume fruits and vegetables for maximal health benefits. This helps in reducing the intake of foods and drinks that promote weight gain, namely energy-dense foods and sugary drinks.

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* Age, an uncontrollable factor, can cause cancer. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Survey shows that breast cancer rates are 8-fold higher in women who are 50 years old, in comparison with women who are 30 years.

* Another cause of cancer is exposure to radiation. Women above 45 years, who were exposed to radiation therapy during childhood or adulthood, still have a higher tendency of cancer than the younger women. Exposure to radiation was the former medical practice of checking the lungs for tuberculosis.

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* About 5% to 10% of all breast cancers are hereditary. Scientists have identified certain genetic mutations (permanent changes in genetic material) that place people at increased risk of breast cancer.

* High level of estrogen can cause breast cancer. Estrogen is a cancer-promoting hormone found in the breast, women with history of early first menstrual period,late menopause,no pregnancies, late pregnancy, or use of birth control pills are known to be majorly affected.

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So far, almost all the known causes of cancer have been mentioned above. It is of high importance to pay attention to these causes in order to prevent the harm done by cancer to the human organs. Prevention is better than cure.

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Treatment of Breast Cancer in Detail.

Breast cancer is found to be the most common cancer in women. Before extensive hard work was done in the medical world to combat the deadly disease called cancer, most women gave up hope when diagnosed for any kind of cancer, not only breast cancer. Fortunately, there are a lot of methods that can be used for the treatment of cancer nowadays. The type of treatment to be used depends on some factors such as the tumor stage of the cancer, the type of the tumor, the general health of the affected patient, and the characteristics of the tumor.All this analyzed will help in evaluating the kind of treatment to be used.

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Removal of the tumor by means of Surgery by a cancer Specialist, called an oncologist, is the first step in the treatment of cancer. Support adjuvant program like Radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy will follow afterwords. The therapy is carried out to prevent re occurrence of the cancer.

Lumpectomy is a type of surgery where the total removal of the breast is avoided. It only involves the removal of the cancer. This is used mostly in the case of early stage. It is believed to be as effective as mastectomy.

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Mastectomy is the removal of the part of the breast depending on where the tumor is located. There are many types of mastectomy, depending on the size of the cancer or lymph node that needs to be removed. The two most important types are partial mastectomy and total mastectomy.

Radiation therapy is only needed when a partial mastectomy is done or a lumpectomy. Radiotherapy uses high energy rays, that is, gamma -ray or x-ray to destroy any cancer cell that may remain in the breast from reoccurring from the original site. Therapy takes few minutes, five times a week for a period of 6weeks.

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Just like radiation therapy, the alternative therapy method is Chemotherapy. It uses anticancer drugs to destroy cancer cell. It is used mainly when the cancer cell have spread to other part of the body. Its in a form of shots or dose.

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Hormone therapy is the use of Tamoxifen, an estrogen-like compound that binds to the breasts' estrogen receptors (ER) and makes them unavailable to estrogen (cancer-promoting activity hormone found in the breast) to stop the growth of cancer cell from reoccurring after operation.

Further treatment researches are being carried out daily to improve on the flaws and shortcomings of the present ones listed here.

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